Engebret Asleson Torset (1814-1885)
Engebret Asleson Torset was born on 16 Jul 1814 in Nes i Hallingdal, Buskerud, Norway, as the second child of Asle Embrickson Torset and Barbo Ivarsdtr Kjednbard. He had four siblings, namely: Margit, Ivar, Ola, and Ola. Engebret Asleson Torset was baptized on 14 Aug 1814 in Nes i Hallingdal, Buskerud, Norway.
His name has been found as Engbret, Engebret, Engebreth, Ingebret, and Embrick in various records. Also, remember that in Norway, surnames were handled differently than they are in modern-day America. Then, each person was given their father’s name with a “son” or “dtr” or some other variation added. So, since Engebret’s dad’s given name was Asle, he was named Engebret Asleson. The Norwegians also were known by their farm name. Since Engebret lived on the Torset farm, he became Engebret Asleson Torset. Once he got to Minnesota, the Torset was usually dropped from Engebret’s name.

When he was 32, he married Berget Ingvalsdtr Grondal, daughter of Ingvar Olsen Grøndale and Kari Olsdtr Lien, on 01 Apr 1847 in Gol, Buskerud, Norway. Berget was a widow when they married and brought three children to the marriage.
Engebret Asleson Torset and Berget Ingvalsdtr Grondal had one daughter together:
- Barebo Engebretsdtr Torset was born on 09 Mar 1848 in Endredokken, Skar, Hemsedal, Norway. She married Björn Christianson Rukke on 10 Jul 1870 in Mower, Minnesota. She died on 31 Jan 1940 in Austin, Mower, Minnesota.
In Norway, Engebret was described as a very shrewd man who got a lot of respect. Well, that is what we were once told it said anyway. In the book Hemsedals Slektshistorie, it included the following in Norwegian. If someone can provide a good translation, please add a comment to share with the rest of us.
Endre fall frå, vart Birgit g att m Embrik Asleson Torsetjordé (61-8) 1814-71. Frå Endredøkken reiste dei til Jomé I Valdres og der vart dei velståande folk. Embrik må ha vore ein gløgg og upplyst kar. Han førde sak for ei enkje og vann saka. Slikt sette respekt. Borna til Birgit vart truleg med til Valdres.
Embrik Asleson Torsetjordé (61-8) 1814-71. Frå Endredøkken reiste dei til Jomé I Valdres og der vart dei velståande folk. Embrik må ha vore ein gløgg og upplyst kar. Han førde sak for ei enkje og vann saka. Slikt sette respekt. Borna til Birgit vart truleg med til Valdres.
Engebret, Berget, and three daughters immigrated to Minnesota, arriving on 15 Jun 1864. They settled in Newry, Freeborn, Minnesota. Engebret’s stepson had come years earlier and settled in Goodhue County, but Engebret was not satisfied with the land available there so bought land in Freeborn County instead.

Engebret and Berget were members of Red Oak Grove Lutheran Church.

Engebret Asleson Torset died on 16 Jun 1885 in Newry, Freeborn, Minnesota.

Where is he in the tree?

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