Miller book
Publication date: October 2022
548 pages
The Miller Family book is available for purchase.

Pedigree Chart
Ancestor Report for Leona Catherine Miller
Profiles and Posts
The Phillips Family FarmA photo of the old family farm came up in email conversation recently. That led to some questions. Which led to more questions. Which led to this family historian spending a bit of time looking for answers. While others in the email conversation likely quickly moved on to more interesting things in their lives, their… Read more: The Phillips Family Farm
The Miller book is here!It is another happy day for me – another project is completed! I received my copies of my latest book, The Miller Family today. This book examines our Miller family history. It starts with Zachariah Miller who lived in Rensselaer County, New York, and follows his descendants. Our line is highlighted with detailed biographies provided… Read more: The Miller book is here!
Suffrage – The 1920 ElectionThis is the fifth segment in our series about women’s suffrage. In the first, you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. The second post gave a summary of the path leading to gaining full voting… Read more: Suffrage – The 1920 Election
Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 2 -1896 through 1916This is the fourth post in our series on women’s suffrage. In the first post you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive when the 19th Amendment was ratified. In the second, you got a brief history lesson on voting prior to the 19th Amendment. This post and the previous post discuss… Read more: Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 2 -1896 through 1916
Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892This is the third post in our series on women’s suffrage. In the first post you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive when the 19th Amendment was ratified. In the second, you got a brief history lesson on voting prior to the 19th Amendment. This post discusses what our ladies missed… Read more: Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892
Suffrage – The Path to Voting RightsThis is the second post in our series on Women’s Suffrage. The first post introduced you to our sixteen female ancestors who were living in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. This post covers efforts leading up to women getting full voter rights. Some Votes Cast… Read more: Suffrage – The Path to Voting Rights
Suffrage – Our Female VotersThis first post in the series introduces you to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. Subsequent posts will cover efforts leading up to women getting full voting rights, elections in which our ladies were not to allowed to… Read more: Suffrage – Our Female Voters
Happy Birthday George Leifheite MillerGeorge Leifheite Miller (1830-1921) George Leifheite Miller was born on 14 Oct 1830 in Nassau, Rensselaer, New York (probably near the town of Troy or the town of Alps) as the third child of Zachariah Miller and Catherine Leifheite. He had five siblings, namely: Eliza Margaret, John Robert, Mary Ann, Mariah, and Calvin S. Miller.… Read more: Happy Birthday George Leifheite Miller
Happy Birthday Zachariah MillerZachariah Miller (1791-1869) Zachariah Miller was born on 01 Apr 1791 in New York. The 1865 New York census said he was born in Livingston County, but the 1855 New York census said he was born in Columbia County. For now, all we know is that he was born somewhere in New York. He was… Read more: Happy Birthday Zachariah Miller
Happy Birthday Frank Palmer MillerFrank Palmer Miller (1874-1925) Frank Palmer Miller was born on 12 Feb 1874 in Big Rock, Kane, Illinois as the second child of George Leifheite Miller and Jane Elizabeth Cornell. He had three siblings, namely: Calvin Andrew, Elvira Jane, and James Edward. Frank grew up in Kane County, Illinois and graduated from Sugar Grove High… Read more: Happy Birthday Frank Palmer Miller
Happy Birthday Catherine LeifheiteCatherine Leifheite (1796-1872) Catherine Leifheite was born on 29 Dec 1796 in Rensselaer, New York. Thus far, her parents and details of her youth are not known. We know her maiden name because it was included on her son George’s death certificate. The information was provided by George’s widow, Jane. It makes sense that Catherine’s… Read more: Happy Birthday Catherine Leifheite
Happy Birthday Jane Elizabeth CornellJane Elizabeth Cornell (1853-1942) Jane Elizabeth Cornell was born on 17 Jul 1853 in Grass Lake, Jackson, Michigan, as the only child of Peter Morris Cornell and Elvira Mary Palmer. Jane’s mother died when she was only a year and a half old. Her father headed west to pursue opportunities during the gold rush. He… Read more: Happy Birthday Jane Elizabeth Cornell
Happy Birthday Mary StolpMary Stolp (1871-1915) Mary Stolp was born on 06 Apr 1871 in Sandwich, De Kalb, Illinois, as the youngest child of Ludwig Stolp and Catherine Elisabeth Orth. Her parents were immigrants from Germany. She had thirteen siblings, namely: William, Adolph Edward, Amelia, Louis L, Theodore, Louise, Caroline, Julia, John S, and Henry. The names of… Read more: Happy Birthday Mary Stolp
Happy Birthday Margaret MillerMargaret Miller (1676-1764) Today we remember Margaret Miller who was born 340 years ago. She was born on 01 Sep 1676 in Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, as the sixth child of Thomas Miller and Sarah Nettleton. She had seven siblings, namely: Thomas, Samuel, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Sarah, and Mehitable. Margaret also had an older half-sister because her… Read more: Happy Birthday Margaret Miller
Happy Birthday Leona Catherine MillerLeona Catherine Miller (1899-1976) Leona Catherine Miller was born on 26 Aug 1899 in rural Sandwich, De Kalb, Illinois as the only child of Frank Palmer Miller and Mary Stolp. She grew up on the family farm in Sandwich, DeKalb, Illinois. Leona’s mother died in 1915, before Leona’s 16th birthday. She and her father took care… Read more: Happy Birthday Leona Catherine Miller