The Stemson Family
- Publication date: May 2015
- Pages: 136
- Formats:
- This book covers our Stemson family. Natives to Norway, many family members immigrated to America and settled in Minnesota. This book traces the descendants of Steengrim Halvorsen and Guri Olsdatter through the family of their great-grandson, Halvor Stemson.

Pedigree Chart
Profiles and Posts:
Suffrage – The 1920 ElectionThis is the fifth segment in our series about women’s suffrage. In the first, you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. The second post gave a summary of the path leading to gaining full voting… Read more: Suffrage – The 1920 Election
Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 2 -1896 through 1916This is the fourth post in our series on women’s suffrage. In the first post you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive when the 19th Amendment was ratified. In the second, you got a brief history lesson on voting prior to the 19th Amendment. This post and the previous post discuss… Read more: Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 2 -1896 through 1916
Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892This is the third post in our series on women’s suffrage. In the first post you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive when the 19th Amendment was ratified. In the second, you got a brief history lesson on voting prior to the 19th Amendment. This post discusses what our ladies missed… Read more: Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892
Suffrage – The Path to Voting RightsThis is the second post in our series on Women’s Suffrage. The first post introduced you to our sixteen female ancestors who were living in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. This post covers efforts leading up to women getting full voter rights. Some Votes Cast… Read more: Suffrage – The Path to Voting Rights
Suffrage – Our Female VotersThis first post in the series introduces you to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. Subsequent posts will cover efforts leading up to women getting full voting rights, elections in which our ladies were not to allowed to… Read more: Suffrage – Our Female Voters
Stengrim HalvorsenStengrim Halvorsen (1799-1870) Halvorsen or Halverson? It depended on who was keeping the records at any particular time. When Stengrim was born, Norway was a dependency of Denmark. Danish was the language used by the church and the law, but most people spoke a hybrid Dano-Norwegian. In 1814, when Stengrim was a teen, Norway was… Read more: Stengrim Halvorsen
Happy Birthday Halvor StemsonHalvor Stemson (1835-1927) Halvor Stemson was born on 14 Feb 1835 in Nes i Hallingdal, Buskerud, Norway (Stolsdokken) as the fourth child of Stengrim Halvorsen and Kristi Knudsdr. He had ten siblings, namely: Barbo, Anne, Margit, Barbro, Guri, Aasa, Kari, Knut, Thora, and Magrethe. Halvor Stemson was baptized on 22 Mar 1835 in Gol, Buskerud,… Read more: Happy Birthday Halvor Stemson
Going back 102 years to 18 October 1915Most days of most lives are “ordinary.” But our ordinary is likely very different than the ordinary of our ancestors. Though, in some ways things are probably similar. So, this is the first of a series of what will become regular blog posts in which we will go back in time to explore what our… Read more: Going back 102 years to 18 October 1915
Happy Birthday Bertha H. StemsonBertha H. Stemson (1877-1968) Bertha H. Stemson was born on 05 Mar 1877 in Newry, Freeborn, Minnesota, as the eighth child of Halvor Stemson and Birgit Nilsdtr Lostegaard. Her parents were Norwegian immigrants. Bertha had eleven siblings, namely: Ingeborg, Barbra, Christina, Nels, Sam, Carl, Carl Gilbert, Berthena Olivia, Julia Helene, Henry Bennett, and Ole Edwin. Bertha… Read more: Happy Birthday Bertha H. Stemson
Happy Birthday Birgit LostegaardBirgit Nilsdtr Lostegaard (1843-1887) Birth Birgit Nilsdtr Lostegaard was born on 23 Feb 1843 on the Lostegaard farm in Gol, Buskerud, Norway. She was the ninth child of Nils Olson Ro Lostegaard and Barbo Eriksdatter Lostegaard. She had eleven siblings, namely: Barbo, Birgit, Ola Nilson, Ragnhild Nilsdatter, Ingeborg Nilsdtr, Birgit, Barbo, Erick Nilsson, Gunhild, Tolliev… Read more: Happy Birthday Birgit Lostegaard
- The Stemson Family book is now available