Floyd Boyce Phillips was one of millions of boys from the United States who were sent across the Atlantic to the Old Country to fight in the Great War. In this series of posts, we follow the 101st anniversary of Floyd’s journey and get glimpses of what was going on at home while he was over there.
Many thanks to Coralee for providing me with artifacts throughout the years and especially for the stack of WWI-era letters that were delivered to me on 31 May 2019. They have provided countless hours of family history entertainment.
– Denise
Floyd spent another day in the middle of the Atlantic. He ate, rested, and took notes on the convey of which they were a part. Meanwhile, his second cousin, Pvt. Frank J. Mighell, was thinking of Floyd, writing a letter, and collecting rocks from wherever he was serving. We don’t know when Floyd got the letter, but he was probably happy to hear from his relative.

Friday Aug 2
Washed & shaved b/4 mess.
Mess consisted of oatmeal – frankfurts, coffee & bread.

I thot it best to lay down for an hour after which I went above the canteen deck until dinner having beef, macaroni & rice soup (broth).
Stood in canteen line from 12:30 until 2:30 and finally got these.
Life boat drill at 2:30. MS Collurn got me a life preserver and I bot him some stuff. (am down 134 now)
Had another inspection ‘cause ours this morning was so poor. 8 men got K.P. for three days for poorly made bunks.

Mess at 5:30. We had salmon salad, bread, jam & tea.
After mess they cleared off a lot of barrels from deck and the Y furnished boxing gloves, quoils, etc. the boys are beginning to feel good now.
About ½ hour before sun down all transports and battleships took positions for the nite (all spread out) We took the rear right (we have kept this most of the way) Shortly a destroyer came up as it had not been with us since morning.

Dear Floyd:
How are you enjoying yourself in Hancock? Do you play ball much now? I see by the papers that it has been awful warm in New York, around 95 degrees, and presume that it was rather warm where you are.
I enjoyed the trip very much, and succeeded in securing some stones for your fireplace. I sent three to your home one from Smithfield, North Carolina, one from Richmond, Virginia, and the other was from Long Island, New York. I will endeavor to get several more while over here.
This seems to be a healthy camp, although the water is not good as it might be. There is a creek just a short distance from here which is about fifteen feet deep in places, the water is clean, and the boys go swimming often.

I was over to the Y.M.C.A. one night this week and heard some Chinese sing. They put on an entertainment; they may be good singers but it sounded awful queer to me.
There are sure lots of old buildings here some several hundred years. If I had a camera, I could take some dandy pictures, but no such luck.
Well Floyd some Sunday when you are not on guard or K.P. drop me a few lines; I sure will be glad to hear from you.
Sincerely Yours,
Frank J. Mighell,
Co. 2. 4th. Ord. Br.
Ordinance Repair Shops
U.S.A.P.O. 741,
American E.F.
Who is Who?
Frank Jerome Mighell
Frank Jerome Mighell was one of Floyd’s second cousins. They shared Phillips great-grandparents, Betsey Holmes and Jacob W. Phillips.

Floyd Boyce Phillips, “Journal” (Army, 1918-1919).” privately held by Denise Krueger, Rochester, MN, 2019.
“Frank J. Mighell” [Frank Jerome Mighell] (U.S.A.P.O. 741, American E.F.) to “Floyd” [Floyd Boyce Phillips], letter, 02 August 1918; privately held by Denise Krueger, Rochester, MN, 2019.
With the colors from Aurora, Illinois, U.S.A. 1917, 1918, 1919, J. W. Greenaway (1920), pp. 48-9, 170-1, Frank J. Mighell; online images, Archive.org (https://archive.org/details/withcolorsfromau00gree/page/170).
The Phillips Family
- Publication date: September 2015
- Pages: 432
- Formats:
- This book traces our Phillips ancestry. It follows the Phillips family from 18th century ancestors in New York to more recent asparagus farmers of Illinois. Five generations of descendants of Wilhelmus Philip are covered. The families of Jacob W Phillips, his son Albert Aveldo Phillips, his son Guy Allison Phillips, and his son Floyd Boyce Phillips are followed in detail.

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