Floyd Boyce Phillips was one of millions of boys from the United States who were sent across the Atlantic to the Old Country to fight in the Great War. In this series of posts, we follow the 101st anniversary of Floyd’s journey and get glimpses of what was going on at home while he was over there.
Many thanks to Coralee for providing me with artifacts throughout the years and especially for the stack of WWI-era letters that were delivered to me on 31 May 2019. They have provided countless hours of family history entertainment.
– Denise
Floyd’s youngest brother, Charles, then age 20, was working on the farm in Canada when he finally got around to writing to the brother he sometimes nicknamed “Foe.” In the letter that was mailed from Fannystelle on 18 August 1918, he shared news about the crops and gave a poultry report. Unfortunately, some of his words were lost to time as there is a big hole in the corner of the envelope that ripped through the pages of the letter too. We can get the gist though, even with missing words.

Home Sunday
Dear Bro Floyd,
Well Floyd its been one glorious day. The wind had been blowing quite hard all day and it has made the day quite comfortable.
Its now 7:25 and I am writing a guilty letter. I certainly ______ you an apology _______ last Sunday _____ some_________ came up _____couldn’t ________. I hope I can write a long one to make up the couple that I have missed.
Well Floyd this day has found me quite busy this morning I racked some oat hay. We sure are pushed for time. We are haying over to Bill’s and Roy is running engine and disc. We have about 35 to 40 acres of wild oats and barley to cut. The wild oats got so bad that it killed out the barley.

It sure is a great corp. Its going more than pay us we’ll get about 15 of 20 tons off of it or maybe more.
The corps are looking dandy. Well Foe, Roy just called supper, and must go of course, wished you were here to help us eat it. Just came back from working out to the barn 9:30 and must hurry along. Roy is writing too so I guess this won’t be so ______ after all.

___ be cutting ________________ wheat next week so ____ __ now. ____________________ of the wheat. The oats ______________ south farm are going to be pretty good, but they are thin. I can’t think of any more to write about the corps so will have to write a little poultry news. I suppose you’ll be quite disappointed in what I have done in the chicken and turkey line. I have lost quite a few turkeys in the last month of so. I guess some wheres near 25. I have about 61 left. The weather got bad and there was about a week of it.

Of course there was so many of them that I never notice them until it was too late. I had ten or fifteen small ones couple of them died and I didn’t think much of it, and a couple of days later some more died. Well I greased them all. ____________ was too late _____ ________ _______ weather __________best _____ and ___________ ______ some _______ often on. _____ now when a turkey gits a little sick you just might as well kill him right than and there, but the ones that I have left are dandy ones. I am going to take some pictures of them right away soon. My camera has been quite disappointment to me its either the camera or in the developing. Almost every picture that I have taken has been poor. I sent some to Arthur to see what was the matter with them.

I have a 125 chickens. I have had pretty good luck with them. I have over fifty that are little over two months old. I guess almost three months. I guess thats all of the poultry news for this time.
We haven’t heard from A. since June 25. I think his excuse must be a big one, I certainly can’t see why he don’t write, even a postcard would do. I hear ___ Rose went down ____ to s___ ____
____ Floyd this _____ very ____ letter I kn__ ______ have quite a headache so you’ll excuse my writing and also the news. I suppose you are wondering where you go next. I have done quite a little thinking since I received your letter. About me going to war, but I still think and decided to go. Although my knee has been awful bad this summer the wrost than it has ever before. I’ll be glad to get home and get it fixed or cut off. Well Floyd good nite. I wished I was with you.
Maybe some day I’ll see you over in France, if I don’t see you there, I’ll see you in old good U.S.A. 10:25 and must close, hoping this will find you well.
Lovingly, Charles
Who is Who?
Guy and Gertrude Phillips Family
Floyd was the middle of the five sons of Gertrude Lovin Boyce and Guy Allison Phillips.

“Charles” [Charles Verne Phillips] (Fannystelle, Manitoba, Canada) to “Floyd” [Floyd Boyce Phillips], letter, 18 August 1918; privately held by Denise Krueger, Rochester, MN, 2019.
Manitoba Free Press (Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada), 12 Aug 1918, page 6, online images, Newspapers ( https://www.newspapers.com/image/66861863/ : accessed 9 Jun 2019).
The Phillips Family
- Publication date: September 2015
- Pages: 432
- Formats:
- This book traces our Phillips ancestry. It follows the Phillips family from 18th century ancestors in New York to more recent asparagus farmers of Illinois. Five generations of descendants of Wilhelmus Philip are covered. The families of Jacob W Phillips, his son Albert Aveldo Phillips, his son Guy Allison Phillips, and his son Floyd Boyce Phillips are followed in detail.

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