The Aldahl Family
- Publication date: November 2020
- Pages: 708
- Formats:
- This book highlights the paternal line of ancestry for Lars Olson Aldahl. The book traces the descendants of Haldor Johanneson, the most distant man in that paternal line. Extended biographies are included for the families of Haldor Johanneson, his son Johannes Haldorson, his son Hans Johannesson Hermundsdal, his son Ole Hanson Aldalen, his son Knud Olson Aldalen, his son Ole Knutson Aldahl, and his son Lars Olson Aldahl. Hundreds of descendants have been discovered.

Pedigree Chart
Where are they in the tree?

Ancestor Report for Margaret Olga Aldahl
Profiles and Posts
ConsumptionLast week, as I recovered from Thanksgiving and started thinking about Christmas, I was able to find a bit of time to work on family history. I was mostly consumed with work on children and other descendants of my ancestors William and Milly McCall. During the week I ran into a couple relatives who died… Read more: Consumption
The Aldahl Family book is now available!My latest book, “The Aldahl Family,” is now available. Nearly all my time in 2020 was spent locked up at home (to avoid the virus). I spent a lot of that time working on the Aldahl family book. After hundreds of hours scouring records, scanning photos, and formatting the information I’ve collected into a book,… Read more: The Aldahl Family book is now available!
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Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892This is the third post in our series on women’s suffrage. In the first post you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive when the 19th Amendment was ratified. In the second, you got a brief history lesson on voting prior to the 19th Amendment. This post discusses what our ladies missed… Read more: Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892
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Suffrage – Our Female VotersThis first post in the series introduces you to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. Subsequent posts will cover efforts leading up to women getting full voting rights, elections in which our ladies were not to allowed to… Read more: Suffrage – Our Female Voters
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Ragnild Torkjelsdtr OfstedalRagnild Torkjelsdtr Ofstedal (1816-1880) Ragnild was another ancestor without a precisely known birth date, so I was planning to celebrate her on 26 January. But, as I was finalizing my post, I tried one more time to find her birth date. Voila! There she was! Well, it wasn’t really that easy. It took minutes (no,… Read more: Ragnild Torkjelsdtr Ofstedal
Knut Olson AldalenKnut Olson Aldalen (1787-1851) Knut Olson Aldalen was born in 1787 at the Aldahl farm in Evanger, Hordaland, Norway. He was the child of Ole Hanson Aldalen and Marjo Knutsdat Hermundsdal. Knut Olson Aldahl was baptized on 29 Jul 1787 in Evanger, Hordaland, Norway. Knut’s mother died in 1789 at the age of 33. Knut was… Read more: Knut Olson Aldalen
Ole Knutson AldahlOle Knutson Aldahl (1814-1890) Ole Knutson Aldahl was born in 1814 (probably), but we don’t yet know the exact day. It really does drive me nuts that I’ve not been able to find his baptismal record! But, that isn’t going to stop us from celebrating his life… Ole Knutson Aldahl was born in 1814 on… Read more: Ole Knutson Aldahl
Going back 102 years to 18 October 1915Most days of most lives are “ordinary.” But our ordinary is likely very different than the ordinary of our ancestors. Though, in some ways things are probably similar. So, this is the first of a series of what will become regular blog posts in which we will go back in time to explore what our… Read more: Going back 102 years to 18 October 1915
Happy Birthday Margaret Olga AldahlMargaret Olga Aldahl (1902-1972) Margaret Olga Aldahl was born on 21 Jan 1902 at home in Lansing, Mower, Minnesota as the eleventh child of Lars Olson Aldahl and Caroline Hilson. She had eleven siblings, namely: Johanna Ragnila, George Oscar, Clara Marie, Selmer Ludvig, Ida Bertina, Hilda Melvina, Judith Ronellie “Nellie,” Olga Mathilda (who died young),… Read more: Happy Birthday Margaret Olga Aldahl
Happy Birthday Lars Olson AldahlLars Olson Aldahl (1856-1940) Lars Olson Aldahl was born on 24 Nov 1856 in Voss, Evanger, Hordaland, Norway as the ninth child of Ole Knutson Aldahl and Ragnild Torkjelsdtr Ofstedal. He had nine siblings, namely: Jorun Olsdtr, Jorgen Olson, Knut Olson, Torkel Olson, Marta Olsdtr, Synneva Olsdtr, Brita Olsdtr, Marjo Olsdtr, and Olaf Olson. Lars Olson… Read more: Happy Birthday Lars Olson Aldahl
Happy Birthday Caroline HilsonCaroline Hilson (1863-1940) Today is the 153rd anniversary of the birth of Caroline Hilson. Birth Caroline Hilson was born on 04 Mar 1863 in Westfield, Dodge, Minnesota as the third child of Guttorm Hillson Wenaas and Jorand Christiansdtr Rukke. She had seven siblings, namely: Inger Randina, Helena, Ragnild G, Christian G, Henry G, Marie, and… Read more: Happy Birthday Caroline Hilson