Floyd Boyce Phillips was one of millions of boys from the United States who were sent across the Atlantic to the Old Country to fight in the Great War. In this series of posts, we follow the 101st anniversary of Floyd’s journey and get glimpses of what was going on at home while he was over there.
Many thanks to Coralee for providing me with artifacts throughout the years and especially for the stack of WWI-era letters that were delivered to me on 31 May 2019. They have provided countless hours of family history entertainment.
– Denise
Tuesday had Floyd and his comrades up early. The guys still didn’t know exactly what was going on, but they carried out duties as ordered.

Tuesday morning. We were called one hr early but were not told why but FBP is somewhat suspicious and believes __________ is going to happen. Everybody out so will quit. We’ll see.

Just a detail to carry over some overseas stuff to a couple streets to the west. FBP helped carry a stove (field).
This P.M. we went out for a little drill. I was act. Corp. of a sqd but “Fat” Adams wanted to act so we could practice “at ease” & “at rest” so I let him.
Back again to our Co. St. Mess, a little catch.

At retreat it was announced that 88 men would attend the same show we saw last nite at the K.C. – those that did not go last nite. But when time came they needed a few to fill out so I went.
Back again and right to bed.
Floyd Boyce Phillips, “Journal” (Army, 1918-1919).” privately held by Denise Krueger, Rochester, MN, 2019.
The Phillips Family
- Publication date: September 2015
- Pages: 432
- Formats:
- This book traces our Phillips ancestry. It follows the Phillips family from 18th century ancestors in New York to more recent asparagus farmers of Illinois. Five generations of descendants of Wilhelmus Philip are covered. The families of Jacob W Phillips, his son Albert Aveldo Phillips, his son Guy Allison Phillips, and his son Floyd Boyce Phillips are followed in detail.

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