The Estes Family
- Publication date: January 2019
- Pages: 740
- Formats:
- This book traces our Estes family from our earliest known Estes ancestor, Nicholas Estes, who was born about 1495 in England. His descendants, beginning with our immigrant ancestor, Abraham Estes, lived through all the major events in American history. Detailed biographies are included for twelve generations of ancestors from Nicholas through the family of his 9th great-grandson, Thomas Leland Estes. Thousands of descendants have been identified and are listed.

Pedigree Chart
The Estes Family Tree traces the ancestors of Thomas Leland Estes back from Minnesota to Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia, and Europe. It takes us back to Charlemagne and ancient kings, but beware that the farther back you get, the harder it is to really prove that it is valid. Once you get past the 1600s, the paper trail is harder to find. The more ancient genealogy on the tree based on the work of other researchers, so take it with a grain of salt. It is fun to see how we (might) connect with the ancient kings, but harder to prove. More recent generations are much more accurate.
Descendant Chart
Where are they in the tree?

Ancestor Report for Thomas Leland Estes
Profiles and Posts:
ConsumptionLast week, as I recovered from Thanksgiving and started thinking about Christmas, I was able to find a bit of time to work on family history. I was mostly consumed with work on children and other descendants of my ancestors William and Milly McCall. During the week I ran into a couple relatives who died… Read more: Consumption
Jane CalvinJane has been in our family tree for quite some time but her surname has been unknown. With the use of DNA to supplement the paper trail, we can now make a good guess that her maiden name was CALVIN. It would be great to have a little more proof, but working with what has… Read more: Jane Calvin
Suffrage – The 1920 ElectionThis is the fifth segment in our series about women’s suffrage. In the first, you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. The second post gave a summary of the path leading to gaining full voting… Read more: Suffrage – The 1920 Election
Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 2 -1896 through 1916This is the fourth post in our series on women’s suffrage. In the first post you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive when the 19th Amendment was ratified. In the second, you got a brief history lesson on voting prior to the 19th Amendment. This post and the previous post discuss… Read more: Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 2 -1896 through 1916
Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892This is the third post in our series on women’s suffrage. In the first post you were introduced to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive when the 19th Amendment was ratified. In the second, you got a brief history lesson on voting prior to the 19th Amendment. This post discusses what our ladies missed… Read more: Suffrage – Missed Elections Part 1 – 1868 through 1892
Suffrage – The Path to Voting RightsThis is the second post in our series on Women’s Suffrage. The first post introduced you to our sixteen female ancestors who were living in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. This post covers efforts leading up to women getting full voter rights. Some Votes Cast… Read more: Suffrage – The Path to Voting Rights
Suffrage – Our Female VotersThis first post in the series introduces you to our sixteen female ancestors who were alive in the United States in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was signed on 26 Aug 1920. Subsequent posts will cover efforts leading up to women getting full voting rights, elections in which our ladies were not to allowed to… Read more: Suffrage – Our Female Voters
The Estes Family book is now available!Words cannot express how thrilled I am to announce that my book, “The Estes Family,” is now available. Even labors of love can get to a point where they need to be finished. I started work on this version of the book on 30 August 2016 and have spent nearly every hour of personal genealogy… Read more: The Estes Family book is now available!
John EstesJohn Estes (1800-1859) John Estes was born about 1800 in Kentucky as the second child of Moses Estes and Elizabeth Riley. He had nine siblings, namely: Elizabeth, Mary, Roseanna, Lewis, Nancy Ann, Sarah, Dorcas, Absalom, and Thomas Harvey. As a child, he moved with his parents from Kentucky to Tennessee. Sadly, his parents died and… Read more: John Estes
Zelpha Lou McCallZelpha Lou McCall (1866-1900) Zelpha Lou McCall was born in July 1866 in Callaway County, Missouri as the second child of Samual Christopher McCall and Elizabeth A. Linville. She was named after her paternal grandmother, Zilpha Hodges McCall. Zelpha had three siblings, namely: Anna C., Mary Mildred, and James M. McCall. The exact date of… Read more: Zelpha Lou McCall
Margaret O’DonnellMargaret A. O’Donnell (1836-~1865) Margaret A. O’Donnell was born in 1836 in Kentucky as the fourth child of Thomas C. O’Donnell and Martha Canterbury. She had eight siblings, namely: Rebecca, Martha Ann, Matilda Ann, Isabella, Thomas Jefferson, William H., George C., and Jane. We don’t know exactly when or where Margaret was born, so this… Read more: Margaret O’Donnell
William Riley EstesWilliam Riley Estes (1833-1880) William Riley Estes was born in 1833 (or so) in Callaway, Missouri, as the first child of John Estes and Jane Calvin. He had four siblings, namely: James A., Moses Patrick, Thomas H. B., and Mary Elizabeth. Sadly, sometime in his late teens, William’s mother passed away. His father remarried to… Read more: William Riley Estes
Going back 75 years to 13 December 1942Most days of most lives are “ordinary.” But, our ordinary is likely very different than the ordinary of our ancestors. Though, in some ways things are probably similar. I’m using a random number generator to decide how many years to go back in time. The intent is to see which ancestors were living, where they lived,… Read more: Going back 75 years to 13 December 1942
Going back 347 years to 15 November 1670Most days of most lives are “ordinary.” But, our ordinary is likely very different than the ordinary of our ancestors. Though, in some ways things are probably similar. I’m using a random number generator to decide how many years to go back in time. The intent is to see which ancestors were living, where they lived,… Read more: Going back 347 years to 15 November 1670
Going back 102 years to 18 October 1915Most days of most lives are “ordinary.” But our ordinary is likely very different than the ordinary of our ancestors. Though, in some ways things are probably similar. So, this is the first of a series of what will become regular blog posts in which we will go back in time to explore what our… Read more: Going back 102 years to 18 October 1915
Estes Model RocketsWe are related to the Estes of Estes Model Rockets Nearly every week, a mystery is solved or some interesting twig (or nut) appears somewhere on the family tree. Here is a little news of recent findings. Growing up, I was only vaguely aware of Estes Model Rockets. But, I married into a family of… Read more: Estes Model Rockets
A Quick Trip to IowaState Historical Society of Iowa Nearly every week, a mystery is solved or some interesting twig (or nut) appears somewhere on the family tree. Here is a little news of recent findings. Making the Trip On Thursday, I got to spend the day in one of my favorite places – a genealogy research center! As… Read more: A Quick Trip to Iowa
Boat Rides for Thomas Leland EstesTo the War and Back Nearly every week, a mystery is solved or some interesting twig (or nut) appears somewhere on the family tree. Here is a little news of recent findings. We knew that Thomas Leland Estes served in World War I and we knew that he arrived in France just in time for… Read more: Boat Rides for Thomas Leland Estes
Happy Birthday Thomas Leland EstesThomas Leland Estes (1896-1968) Thomas Leland Estes was born on 28 Mar 1896 in Castana, Monona, Iowa, as the fifth child of John Thomas Estes and Zelpha Lou McCall. He had five siblings, namely: Gussie Ann, Robert C., Ida Mildred, Herman Patrick, and James Andrew. He was called Tom. When he was very young, his… Read more: Happy Birthday Thomas Leland Estes
Happy Birthday Elizabeth BowenElizabeth Bowen Morris (1661-1743) Elizabeth Bowen was born on 26 Jan 1660/61 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, as the second child of Henry Bowen and Elizabeth Johnson. She had nine siblings, namely: Henry, John, Margaret, Maria, Margaret, Abigail, Penuel, Esther, and Isaac. Elizabeth Bowen was baptized on 27 Jan 1660/1, a day after she was born, in… Read more: Happy Birthday Elizabeth Bowen
Happy Birthday Lona Iona FawcettLona Iona Fawcett (1902-1973) Lona Iona Fawcett was born on 28 Jun 1902 in Sac City, Sac, Iowa as the only child of Harry Allen Lawrence Fawcett and Barbara Mary Meyer. She was so tiny when she was born that she fit into a shoe box. She never did get very tall. As an adult she… Read more: Happy Birthday Lona Iona Fawcett
Happy Birthday Barbara Mary MeyerBarbara Mary Meyer (1881-1972) Barbara Mary Meyer was born on 09 Jun 1881 in Mendota, La Salle, Illinois as the child of Jacob B. Meyer and Barbara Mary Stadler. She had nine siblings, namely: Jacob, Frank M, Mathias, Robert, Christena, Katharina, Jerome Adam, Hieronimus, and a sister who died as an infant. Barbara was the… Read more: Happy Birthday Barbara Mary Meyer
Happy Birthday John Thomas EstesJohn Thomas Estes (1856-1947) Birth and Youth John Thomas Estes was born on 07 May 1856 in Steedman, Callaway, Missouri as the first child of William Riley Estes and Margaret A. O’Donnell. He had four siblings, namely: James H.B., Anna Eliza, Moses Patton Barnett, and Laura Alice. He was sometimes known as J.T. His mother… Read more: Happy Birthday John Thomas Estes
Down home with the Estes family…and bottles, bombers and growlersI really don’t want to be older than I already am, but I sometimes wish that I’d been born a little sooner so that I could have enjoyed the company of my maternal Estes family a little more. Home movies filmed by my Grandpa Tom and Uncle Jim have given me a glimpse into just… Read more: Down home with the Estes family…and bottles, bombers and growlers
Twigs and Nuts
- Boat Rides for Thomas Leland Estes
- Down Home with the Estes family
- Estes Model Rockets
- Farris Will Not Swing for A While
The Greater Estes Community
Estes/Eastes Genealogy Ring Owner: David Powell Site: Estes/Eastes Genealogy |