
Genealogy has consumed a lot of my time, especially in recent years. In my quest to share what I’ve learned, I’ve been writing books. I’ve completed books on several families and, over time, will complete more. The following is a summary of my body of work with links to more information including how to buy copies.

– Denise

Available Books

The Aldahl Family

  • Publication date: November 2020
  • Pages: 708
  • Formats:
  • This book highlights the paternal line of ancestry for Lars Olson Aldahl. The book traces the descendants of Haldor Johanneson, the most distant man in that paternal line. Extended biographies are included for the families of Haldor Johanneson, his son Johannes Haldorson, his son Hans Johannesson Hermundsdal, his son Ole Hanson Aldalen, his son Knud Olson Aldalen, his son Ole Knutson Aldahl, and his son Lars Olson Aldahl. Hundreds of descendants have been discovered.

The Aschbrenner Family

The Christianson Family

The Estes Family

  • Publication date: January 2019
  • Pages: 740
  • Formats:
  • This book traces our Estes family from our earliest known Estes ancestor, Nicholas Estes, who was born about 1495 in England. His descendants, beginning with our immigrant ancestor, Abraham Estes, lived through all the major events in American history. Detailed biographies are included for twelve generations of ancestors from Nicholas through the family of his 9th great-grandson, Thomas Leland Estes. Thousands of descendants have been identified and are listed.

The Fawcett Family

  • Publication date: March 2020
  • Pages: 716
  • Formats:
  • We can trace our Fawcett ancestry back to Thomas Fawcett who was born around 1683 in Ireland. This book starts with him and then traces his descendants. Detailed biographies are provided for our direct line from Thomas Fawcett to Harry Allen Lawrence Fawcett. Our Fawcett heritage is an interesting heritage of Early American Quakers, soldiers, homesteaders, and farmers. In the records, the name is found spelled many ways including Faucett, Faucit, Fawcitt, Fewcatt, Fawcatt, and Fawcet, but we know the name as Fawcett.

The Krueger Family

  • Publication date: June 2015
  • Pages: 244
  • Formats:
  • This book covers our Krueger ancestry. Johann and Augusta Krueger left their native Germany to settle in Wisconsin. The book traces four generations of descendants of the immigrants. The stories of the families of their son Bernhard and their grandson Norman are told in detail.

The Meyer Family

The Miller Family

The Phillips Family

The Stemson Family

  • Publication date: May 2015
  • Pages: 136
  • Formats:
  • This book covers our Stemson family. Natives to Norway, many family members immigrated to America and settled in Minnesota. This book traces the descendants of Steengrim Halvorsen and Guri Olsdatter through the family of their great-grandson, Halvor Stemson.

The Woods Family

  • Publication date: April 2015
  • Pages: 72
  • Formats:
  • This book describes the little bit that is known about our Woods ancestry. James Woods died in Ohio in 1845, leaving a will and an estate to settle. Following the settlement of his estate, we get a glimpse into the dynamics of his family.

Book Announcements

Genealogy Book Award

I am quite humbled to have been nominated and beyond thrilled to have been selected as the winner of the…

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